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The Skin Shop Policies

Cancellation & No-Show Policy

Most appointments are made two to four weeks in advance, so please know that if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, it may be difficult to find an immediate opening. Requests to cancel or reschedule an appointment are not accepted via social media, please text 480-712-2392 to ensure your message is received. Please do not respond to the automated texts or emails as those are not forwarded to me.

The courtesy of 48 hours’ notice is requested for all appointment cancellations or reschedules. Cancelling or rescheduling an appointment within 48 hours of the start time will result in a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the service price. Any outstanding balance must be paid prior to scheduling your next appointment.

Missing any appointment without notice (“no call/no show”) will result in a missed appointment fee equal to 100% of the service price. Any outstanding balance must be paid prior to scheduling your next appointment.

Vagaro is used for all appointment scheduling and has several options to receive appointment notifications, confirmations, and reminders via text, email, and push notifications from the Vagaro app. You can manage these online at or via the Vagaro app.

Late Arrival

Please arrive on time to your scheduled appointment. For safety reasons, the front door is locked when I am in an appointment & I will unlock it 5-10 minutes prior to my next appointment. If you arrive early & find the front door locked, please text me & wait in your car. I’ll reply when I’m ready for you so you can enter the building.

I strive to start and end every appointment on time. Please communicate if you are unable to arrive at your appointment at your scheduled time. Arriving late may result in your appointment being shortened in order to complete it within the scheduled time frame. Arriving more than 10 minutes late to your appointment may result in rescheduling the appointment, at which time a cancellation fee may be assessed.

Health & Safety

If you currently have any cold or flu symptoms, including, but not limited to, coughing, fever, or sore throat, please reschedule your appointment. If you arrive to your appointment with any of these symptoms, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.

Please do not bring anyone (including children) with you to your appointments unless they are also receiving services.

Policies: About
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